
International Indie Music Awards is an international bimonthly competition for the much ignored independent music industry. We believe that Independent music is the future of true music in the world today that is a beacon of hope for true artists. We understand that “commercial” and “corporate backed” music designed with the goal of sales curated purely for the purpose of generating revenue cannot compete on a common platform with self-funded or indie label funded musical expressions of thoughts and emotions by free minds.

We believe that more than the scale, it is the content and its unique manner of expression and its message that needs to be prioritized.

Our contests selects and honor excellence  in such artistes from across the globe. Inspired & Motivated creators and innovators with the courage of their convictions, from the emerging to the established are all welcome.

We invite songs, background score themes, instrumentals, live performances, music videos produced either by the artist/composer/ independent producer/ independent label to participate and pit themselves against others to assess a comparative level of quality in various aspects of composition, lyrics, arrangements, musical production, engineering, performance and video.

Welcome to the “Indies”!!